MDSTk Libraries  1.1.0
Medical Data Segmentation Toolkit
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
mds::base::CAbs< T >Functor makes an absolute value
mds::base::CAdd< T >Functor adds a given value
mds::img::CAdjacencyGraph< T >
mds::img::CAffineMatrixClass encapsulates affine tranformation matrix
mds::img::CAffineTransform< I, Interpolator >Base class for all geometrical image transformations
mds::img::CAnisotropicFilter< I >Anisotropic filtering based on the diffusion process
mds::mod::CArgvApplication command line arguments parser
mds::img::CArray< T >Class template providing basic vector operations
mds::sys::CAtomicAn atomic increment and decrement operation
mds::img::CAvg3Filter< I >Averaging image filter (3x3 version)
mds::img::CAvg5Filter< I >Averaging image filter (5x5 version)
mds::img::CAvg7Filter< I >Averaging image filter (7x7 version)
mds::base::CBadStaticAllocException thrown when you are trying increase size of a static memory block
mds::img::CBicubic< I >Bicubic interpolation
mds::img::CBilinear< I >Bilinear interpolation
mds::mod::CBinarySerializerSerializer which encapsulates serialization of data entities and their members via channels
mds::lbp::CBitOps< T, N >Various routines for manipulating bits in integers
mds::img::CBlobLabeling< T >Class encapsulating mapping of labels for image blobs
mds::mod::CBlockChannelBuffered channel organizing data into blocks of predefined size
mds::mod::CByteTranspose< T >Class providing a simple transposition of lower and higher bytes
mds::base::Factory::CCannotCreateException thrown in case of an error
mds::img::CCanny< I >Canny edge detector
mds::mod::CChannelBase abstract class for all classes implementing channels
mds::mod::CChannelCompressorAbstract class encapsulating a channel compressor
mds::mod::CChannelSerializer< S >Base class for all serializers
mds::img::CCheckDiff< T >Functor compares two pixels and checks if both pixels are almost equal
mds::img::CChiSquare< V >The Chi-Square distance measure
mds::lbp::CCircularSampler< I >Class for getting along samples in a circular neighborhood around a given center pixel
mds::lbp::CCodeAccumulator< T, Type >Functor creates LBP code from samples
mds::lbp::CCodeExtractor< I, Type >Class extracts LBP code from a concrete image position
mds::lbp::CCodeExtractor< I, LBP8 >Class extracts LBP code from a concrete image position
mds::lbp::CCodeExtractorBase< I, Type >Base class for all classes that extract LBP code from a concrete image position
mds::img::CColorRGBA color definition
mds::math::CComplex< T >Class representing a complex number
mds::mod::CCompressorFactoryChannel compressors creation factory
mds::sys::CConditionClass encapsulating system Condition
mds::mod::CConsoleClass encapsulating a simple console application
mds::base::CConstructorFailedException thrown from a failed constructor
mds::img::CConvolutionFilter< I, N >General convolution filter
mds::img::CConvResponse< T >Policy for image filter response normalization
mds::img::CCoordinates2< T >Class representing coordinates in 2D space
mds::img::CCoordinates3< T >Class representing coordinates in 3D space
mds::sys::CCriticalSectionClass that encapsulates system critical section
mds::base::CCumulativeMult< R, T >The functional object can be used to estimate multiplication of a sequence of numbers
mds::base::CCut< T >Functor remains unchanged a specified interval of values
mds::base::CData< T >Class template providing data allocation functions
mds::base::CDataAllocator< T >Base class for all filter response normalization policies
mds::img::CDefaultFilterPolicy< T >Default policy for image filter response normalization
mds::mod::CDensityCompressorClass providing density data compression
mds::mod::CDensityPredictorClass providing a simple difference predictor of density data
mds::img::CDensityVolumeClass ecapsulating volumetric density data
mds::img::CDicomSliceClass encapsulating DICOM file operations
mds::img::CDiscardNegative< T >Policy for image filter response normalization
mds::img::CDistanceMeasure< V >Base class for all distance measures
mds::base::CDiv< T1, T2 >Functor divides by a given value
mds::img::CDoGFilter< I, N >Difference of Gaussians image filter
mds::math::CSparseMatrixAlt< T >::CEntryCompareNested function class for comparing two std::pairs according to the first element instead of lexicographical
mds::base::CErrorClass encapsulating an error origin and description
mds::sys::CEventClass encapsulating system event
mds::base::CExceptionBase class for all MDSTk exceptions
mds::sys::CExitHandlerClass implementing an exit handler functions
mds::base::CFactory< T, I >Implements a generic object factory
mds::img::CFeatureExtractor< V >Base class for all image feature extractors
mds::img::CFeatureVector< T, Size >Base class for all feature vectors encapsulating statistics extracted from an image region
mds::sys::CFileBrowserClass for walking through the file system
mds::sys::CFileBrowserUClass for walking through the file system
mds::mod::CFileChannelI/O by means of reading and writing files
mds::mod::CFileChannelUI/O by means of reading and writing files with Unicode names
mds::base::CFill< T >Functor changes observed value
mds::img::CFilterPolicy< T >Base class for all filter response normalization policies
mds::base::CFullExceptionMore complex exception class encapsulating information about its origin and description
mds::img::CFullHistogram< C >Histogram having number of bins/columns corresponding to a number of possible item values
mds::base::CFuncHandler< T, F >Wraps pointers to functions
mds::base::CFunctionFailedSample exception thrown from a failed function
mds::base::CFunctor< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 >Generalized functor implementation
mds::base::CFunctorBase< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 >Base class for all functors
mds::base::CFunctorBase< R, P1, P2, P3, tNull >Partial specialization for functor with three parameters
mds::base::CFunctorBase< R, P1, P2, tNull, tNull >Partial specialization for functor with two parameters
mds::base::CFunctorBase< R, P1, tNull, tNull, tNull >Partial specialization for functor with one parameter
mds::base::CFunctorBase< R, tNull, tNull, tNull, tNull >Partial specialization for functor with no parameters
mds::math::CFuzzyCMeans< C, N >
mds::img::CGaussFilter< I >Gaussian smoothing filter
mds::math::CGaussianFunc< T, N >N-dimensional gaussian function having diagonal covariance matrix
mds::base::CGlobalLogGlobal application log
mds::mod::CGlobalSignal< Id, R, P1, P2, P3, P4 >Global signal helpful for distribution of global events within an application
mds::img::CGraphics< G >Base class for all graphic primitives
mds::img::CGStat< R, V >The G-Statistics distance measure
mds::mod::CGZipCompressorClass providing gzip compression
mds::img::CHarris< I >Harris corner detector
mds::base::CHasOptionsBase class that encapsulates object-specific options (binary flags)
mds::img::CHistogram< C >Quantized histogram having predefined number of bins/columns
mds::img::CHistogramBase< H >Base class for all histogram classes
mds::img::CImage< T, Allocator >Class template representing 2D image data
mds::img::CImageBase< I >Base class for all images
mds::img::CImageCornerDetector< I >Base class for all image corner detectors
mds::img::CImageEdgeDetector< I >Base class for all image edge detectors
mds::img::CImageFilter< I >Base class for all image filters
mds::img::CImageInterpolator< I >Base class for all policies providing image pixel interpolation
mds::img::CImageIterator< I, T >Iterator used to traverse image pixels by lines
mds::img::CImageRow< I >Class template representing a single row of an existing image
mds::img::CImageTraits< I >Traits used to implement curiously recurring template pattern for images
mds::img::CImageTraits< CImage< T, A > >
mds::img::CImageTraits< CvImage< T > >
mds::img::CImageTransform< I, Interpolator >Base class for all geometrical image transformations
mds::img::CImageViewBase class for all classes providing a view of an existing image
mds::img::CIsEqual< T >Functor compares two pixels and returns true if both pixels are equal
mds::lbp::CIsGreater< R, Shift >Compares one LBP sample with a center value
mds::mod::CIStreamChannelBuffered channel providing STL-like stream functionality
mds::base::CIteratorBase< I >Base class for all iterators
mds::CIteratorTraits< M >Traits used to implement curiously recurring template pattern for iterators
mds::CIteratorTraits< base::CSTLIterator< I > >
mds::img::CKernel1DClass containing a 1D convolution kernel
mds::img::CKernel2DClass encapsulating a 2D convolution kernel
mds::img::CKernel3DClass encapsulating a 3D convolution kernel
mds::img::CLandmarkDetector< V >Base class for all 3D landmark detectors
mds::img::CLaplaceFilter0< I, N >Laplacian image filter (first version)
mds::img::CLaplaceFilter1< I, N >Laplacian image filter (second version)
mds::img::CLaplaceFilter2< I, N >Laplacian image filter (third version)
mds::img::CLaplaceFilter5< I, N >Laplacian image filter (4-th version)
mds::lbp::CLBPExtractor< I, Type, Mapping >LBP extractor class that extracts LBP codes from an image region and makes histogram of them
mds::lbp::CLBPHistogram< N >LBP feature vector - histogram of LBP codes extracted from an image region
mds::lbp::CLBPTraits< Type, Mapping >Type traits for LBP features
mds::base::CLibraryLockableClass< T >Class that comes to be mds::base::CLockableClass<T> if the multithreaded library is compiled and mds::base::CNoLocking<T> otherwise
mds::base::CLibraryLockableObject< T >Class that comes to be mds::base::CLockableClass<T> if the multithreaded library is compiled and mds::base::CNoLocking<T> otherwise
mds::base::CLimit< T >Functor limits an observed value to a specified range
mds::img::CLineClass representing a line in 2D space
mds::img::CLocalMoment00< I, N >Local moment
mds::img::CLocalMoment01< I, N >Local moment
mds::img::CLocalMoment02< I, N >Local moment
mds::img::CLocalMoment10< I, N >Local moment
mds::img::CLocalMoment11< I, N >Local moment
mds::img::CLocalMoment20< I, N >Local moment
mds::img::CLocalMoment22< I, N >Local moment
mds::base::CLockableObject< T >::CLockObject of this class ensures mutual access, if created at the beginning of some method of the class T
mds::base::CLockableClass< T >::CLockObject of this class ensures mutual access, if created at the beginning of some method of the class T
mds::base::CNoLocking< T >::CLockObject of this class ensures mutual access, if created at the beginning of some method of the class T
mds::base::CLockableClass< T >Implements a class-level locking scheme
mds::base::CLockableObject< T >Implements a object-level locking scheme
mds::base::CLogClass implementing logging interface
mds::base::CLogChannelAbstract class encapsulating log channel
mds::base::CLogChannelFStreamChannel for logging to the file stream
mds::base::CLogChannelOStreamChannel for logging to the output STL stream
mds::img::CLoGFilter< I, N >Laplacian of Gaussian image filter
mds::math::CLogNum< T >Class representing a number in logarithmic space
mds::img::CMakeAbs< T >Policy for image filter response normalization
mds::lbp::CMappingBase< Type, Mapping >Base class for implementation of different LBP mapping policies
mds::math::CMathTraits< T >Numerical traits used by math (e.g
mds::math::CMatrix< T >Class template for a two dimensional dense matrix stored in row-major format
mds::math::CMatrixBase< M >Base class for all two-dimensional matrixes
mds::math::CMatrixIterator< M, T >Iterator used to traverse matrix elements by rows
mds::math::CMatrixTraits< M >Traits used to implement curiously recurring template pattern for matrices
mds::math::CMatrixTraits< CMatrix< T > >
mds::math::CMatrixTraits< CStaticMatrix< T, U, V > >
mds::base::CMax< T >Functional object which can be used to find maximal value
mds::img::CMaxFilter< I >Template providing square max-value image filtering functions
mds::math::CMaxLikelihoodByEM< C, N >Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) optimization using maximal likelihood estimation via the Expection-Maximization (EM) algorithm
mds::base::CMeanValue< R, T >The functional object can be used to estimate mean value of a sequence of numbers
mds::img::CMeanValueSimilarity< V >Basic similarity measure comparing mean pixel value
mds::img::CMedianFilter< I >Template providing median image filtering functions
mds::base::CMemFuncHandler< T, O, F >Wraps pointers to member functions
mds::mod::CMemoryChannelSimple memory channel that keeps all data in a memory buffer
mds::base::CMetaDotProduct< N, T >Calculates dot product of two vectors
mds::base::CMetaDotProduct< 1, T >Calculates dot product of two vectors
mds::base::CMetaDotProductImpl< UseMeta, N, T >Calculates dot product of two vectors
mds::base::CMetaDotProductImpl< false, N, T >Calculates dot product of two vectors
mds::base::CMetaForEach< N, T, F >Applies functor to a sequence of numbers
mds::base::CMetaForEach< 1, T, F >Applies functor to a sequence of numbers
mds::base::CMetaForEachImpl< UseMeta, N, T, F >Applies functor to a sequence of numbers
mds::base::CMetaForEachImpl< false, N, T, F >Applies functor to a sequence of numbers
mds::base::CMin< T >Functional object which can be used to find minimal value
mds::img::CMinFilter< I >Template providing square min-value image filtering functions
mds::img::CMinMaxThresholding< T >Functor providing pixel value thresholding
mds::mod::CModuleClass encapsulating a single MDSTk module
mds::base::CMult< T1, T2 >Functor multiplies by a given value
mds::img::CMultiThresholding< T >Functor providing pixel value thresholding
mds::sys::CMutexClass providing simple mutual exclusion (recursive version)
mds::CNamedBase class for all named objects
mds::sys::CNamedPipeNamed pipe
mds::img::CNearest< I >The simplest nearest neighbour interpolator
mds::base::CNoLocking< T >A single-threaded model with no locking
mds::math::CNormalPRNGPseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) having the normal (gaussian) distribution
mds::img::CNormImageFilter< I, NormPolicy >Base class for all image filters that normalize filter response using a predefined policy
mds::lbp::CNormLBPHistogram< N >Normalized histogram of LBP codes (sum of all values = 1)
mds::img::CNormVolumeFilter< V, NormPolicy >Base class for all volume filters that normalize filter response using a predefined policy
mds::base::CNotImplementedException thrown from a failed constructor
mds::mod::CNullChannelNull channel that doesn't write or read any data
mds::base::CObjectBase class providing intrusive reference counting model
mds::img::COpticalFlow< I >
mds::mod::COStreamChannelBuffered channel providing STL-like stream functionality
mds::base::CPartedData< T >Class template managing references to a block of memory that is allocated in parts as a sequence of smaller memory blocks
mds::mod::CPipeChannelChannel via named pipes
mds::img::CPixelConversion< T, R >Template of a class for basic pixel conversions
mds::img::CPixelConversion< T, T >Specialization of the template class CPixelConversion for both pixels of a same type (no conversion)
mds::img::CPixelConversion< T, tComplexPixel >Specialization of the CPixelConversion class for the tComplexPixel type
mds::img::CPixelConversion< T, tRGBPixel >Specialization of the CPixelConversion class for the tRGBPixel type
mds::img::CPixelConversion< tComplexPixel, R >Specialization of the CPixelConversion class for the tComplexPixel type
mds::img::CPixelConversion< tComplexPixel, tComplexPixel >Full specialization of the CPixelConversion class for the tComplexPixel type to prevent ambiquity
mds::img::CPixelConversion< tComplexPixel, tRGBPixel >Full specialization of the CPixelConversion class for the tComplexPixel and tRGBPixel types to prevent ambiquity
mds::img::CPixelConversion< tRGBPixel, R >Specialization of the CPixelConversion class for the tRGBPixel type
mds::img::CPixelConversion< tRGBPixel, tComplexPixel >Full specialization of the CPixelConversion class for the tComplexPixel and tRGBPixel types to prevent ambiquity
mds::img::CPixelConversion< tRGBPixel, tRGBPixel >Full specialization of the CPixelConversion class for the tRGBPixel type to prevent ambiquity
mds::img::CPixelStatsFeature vector containing basic statistics like mean value and variance
mds::img::CPixelStatsExtractor< T >Class used to extract image features for a triangle
mds::img::CPixelTraits< T >
mds::lbp::CPlain< Type >Plain LBP mapping - values are mapped to themselves
mds::img::CPoint2< T >Class representing a point in 2D space
mds::img::CPoint3< T >Class representing a point in the 3D space
mds::mod::CPredictorChannelClass providing base for compression predictor channels
mds::img::CPrewitX< I, N >Prewit gradient edge detector (horizontal version)
mds::img::CPrewitY< I, N >Prewit gradient edge detector (vertical edges)
mds::mod::CProgressBase class for all other classes able to inform calling processes about progress of a running operation
mds::mod::CProgress::CProgressInitializerHelper class used to call methods beginProgress() and endProgress() automatically
mds::math::CPseudoRNGPseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) base class
mds::img::CPyramid< I >Template providing pyramidal image representation
mds::CRangeClass used to specify a span (or subsequence) of indices
mds::mod::CRawCompressorWrites uncompressed data
mds::img::CRect< I >Class template representing a rectangle within an existing image
mds::img::CRectBox< V >Class template representing a rectangular box within an existing volume
mds::base::CRefData< T >Class template managing references to a block of memory
mds::img::CRegionMerging< I, Measure >Class providing watershed transform
mds::base::CReplace< T >Functor changes value of an observed variable
mds::img::CRGBAStructure encapsulating RGBA values
mds::img::CRGBPixelRGB pixel definition
mds::mod::CRLE16CompressorClass providing 16-bit RLE compression
mds::mod::CRLE8CompressorClass providing 8-bit RLE compression
mds::img::CRobertsX< I, N >Roberts cross operator (first version)
mds::img::CRobertsY< I, N >Roberts operator (second version)
mds::img::CRohrLandmarks< V >
mds::lbp::CRotMin< Type >Rotation invariant LBP mapping
mds::CScalar< T >Simple wrapper for scalars
mds::base::CScopedPtr< T >Base smart pointer which transfers ownership of a handled object
mds::sys::CSemaphoreNamed semaphore
mds::mod::CSerializableBase class for all serializable objects further called data entities
mds::mod::CSerializationTraits< T >Template providing serialization specific information
mds::sys::CSharedMemClass encapsulating access to the shared memory
mds::mod::CSharedMemChannelChannel over shared memory
mds::base::CSharedPtr< T >Smart pointer to a shared object providing intrusive reference counting
mds::img::CShiftZero2Gray< T >Policy for image filter response normalization
mds::base::CSHMData< T >Class template managing references to a block of allocated memory
mds::mod::CSHMSerializerFast serialization of data entities and their members over shared memory
mds::mod::CSignal< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 >Class provides simple communication and data transfer mechanism between different classes
mds::mod::CSignalConnectionUnique signal connection identifier
mds::img::CSimilarityMeasure< V >Base class for all similarity measures
mds::img::CSinc< I >Sinc interpolation
mds::img::CSingleThresholding< T >Functor providing pixel value thresholding
mds::base::CSingleton< L >Class from which an singleton must be derived
mds::base::CSingletonDestroyer< T >Concrete singleton destroyer which is used to delete a singleton instance
mds::base::CSingletonHolder< T >Provides singleton amenities for a type T
mds::base::CSingletonLifetimeSingleton lifetime
mds::img::CSize2< T >Class representing size of a rectangle in 2D space
mds::img::CSize3< T >Class representing size of a rectangle box in 3D space
mds::img::CSliceClass ecapsulating a density slice
mds::base::CSmallObject< C, M, A >Base class for polymorphic small objects providing fast allocations and deallocations
mds::base::CSmallObjectAllocatorOffers services for allocating small objects
mds::base::CSmallObjectBase< C, M, A >Base class for small object allocation classes
mds::base::CSmallValueObject< C, M, A >Base class for small objects with value-type semantics - offers fast allocations and deallocations
mds::img::CSobelX< I, N >Sobel operator (horizontal version)
mds::img::CSobelY< I, N >Sobel operator (vertical edges)
mds::math::CSparseMatrix< T >Template for a two dimensional sparse matrix
mds::math::CSparseMatrixAlt< T >Template for a two dimensional sparse matrix
mds::math::CSparseMatrixAltIterator< M, T >Sparse matrix iterator
mds::math::CSparseMatrixBase< M >Base class for all two-dimensional sparse matrixes
mds::math::CSparseMatrixIterator< M, T >Sparse matrix iterator
mds::math::CSparseMatrixTraits< M >Traits used to implement curiously recurring template pattern for sparse matrices
mds::math::CSparseMatrixTraits< CSparseMatrix< T > >
mds::math::CSparseMatrixTraits< CSparseMatrixAlt< T > >
mds::base::CStaticData< T, M >Class template providing data allocation
mds::math::CStaticMatrix< T, M, N >Class template for a two dimensional static row-major dense matrix
mds::math::CStaticVector< T, M >Class template for a static vector
mds::mod::CStdChannelChannel implemented via reading stdin and writing stdout
mds::base::CSTLIterator< I >STL iterator wrapper
mds::sys::CStopwatchClass for time difference measuring
mds::base::CSub< T >Functor subtracts a given value
mds::base::CSum< R, T >The functional object can be used to estimate sum of a sequence of numbers
mds::base::CSumOfSquares< R, T >Estimates sum of squares of a sequence of numbers
mds::img::CSusanDetector< I >Modified Susan corner detector
mds::img::CSusanLandmarks< V >
mds::sys::CThreadEncapsulation of several thread functions into a class mds::CThread
mds::sys::CTimerClass encapsulating timer functions
mds::sys::CTimestampTimestamp class representing an event time and description
mds::CTypeTraits< T >Template providing type specific information
mds::lbp::CUniform< Type >Uniform LBP mapping - a LBP code is mapped to an index, if it contains at most two 1->0 or 0->1 transitions
mds::math::CUniformPRNGPseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) having the uniform distribution
mds::lbp::CUniformRotMin< Type >Uniform rotation invariant LBP mapping
mds::img::CUnion< R, V >The union distance measure
mds::img::CUserFunc< T >Policy for image filter response normalization
mds::sys::CUserThreadThread encapsulation
mds::base::CVariance< R, T >The functional object estimates variance of a sequence of numbers
mds::img::CVarianceSimilarity< V >Statistical test of the similarity based on pixel value variance
mds::math::CVector< T >Class template providing basic dense vector operations
mds::img::CVector2< T >Class representing a vector in 2D space
mds::img::CVector3< T >Class representing a vector in 3D space
mds::math::CVectorBase< V >Base class for all vectors
mds::math::CVectorIterator< V, T >Iterator used to traverse vector elements
mds::math::CVectorTraits< M >Traits used to implement curiously recurring template pattern for vectors
mds::math::CVectorTraits< CStaticVector< T, M > >
mds::math::CVectorTraits< CVector< T > >
mds::mod::CViewThe class encapsulating input and visualization functions
mds::img::CvImage< T >Class template providing basic image operations
mds::img::CvImageRef< T >Class template providing mechanism of reference counting to IplImage data (see the OpenCV library documentation)
mds::img::CVolume< T, Allocator >Class template representing volumetric data
mds::img::CVolumeAnisotropicFilter< V >Anisotropic filtering based on the diffusion process
mds::img::CVolumeAvg3Filter< V >Averaging image filter (3x3 version)
mds::img::CVolumeBase< V >Base class for all volumes
mds::img::CVolumeCanny< V >Canny edge detector in 3D space
mds::img::CVolumeConvolutionFilter< V, N >General convolution volume filter
mds::img::CVolumeDiffXFilter< V, N >Operator computes image derivatives in x direction
mds::img::CVolumeDiffYFilter< V, N >Operator computes image derivatives in y direction
mds::img::CVolumeDiffZFilter< V, N >Operator computes image derivatives in z direction
mds::img::CVolumeEdgeDetector< V >Base class for all volume edge detectors
mds::img::CVolumeFilter< V >Base class for all volume filters
mds::img::CVolumeGauss3Filter< V >3D Gaussian smoothing filter having kernel 3x3x3
mds::img::CVolumeGaussFilter< V >3D Gaussian smoothing filter
mds::img::CVolumeIterator< V, T >Iterator used to traverse volume by lines
mds::img::CVolumeLaplaceFilter0< V, N >Laplacian volume filter (first version)
mds::img::CVolumeLaplaceFilter1< V, N >Laplacian volume filter (second version)
mds::img::CVolumeMaxFilter< V >Template providing max-value volume filtering functions
mds::img::CVolumeMedianFilter< V >Template providing median volume filtering functions
mds::img::CVolumeMinFilter< V >Template providing min-value volume filtering functions
mds::img::CVolumePrewitX< V, N >Prewit gradient edge detector (x-axis)
mds::img::CVolumePrewitY< V, N >Prewit gradient edge detector (y-axis)
mds::img::CVolumePrewitZ< V, N >Prewit gradient edge detector (z-axis)
mds::img::CVolumeRow< V >Class template representing a single row of an existing volume
mds::img::CVolumeSobelX< V, N >Sobel operator (x-axis)
mds::img::CVolumeSobelY< V, N >Sobel operator (y-axis)
mds::img::CVolumeSobelZ< V, N >Sobel operator (z-axis)
mds::img::CVolumeTraits< M >Traits used to implement curiously recurring template pattern for volumes
mds::img::CVolumeTraits< CVolume< T, A > >
mds::img::CVolumeViewBase class for all classes providing a view of an existing volume
mds::img::CvTraits< T >
mds::base::CWarningClass encapsulating an exception origin and description
mds::img::CWatershedTransform< I >Class providing watershed transform
mds::img::CWeightedEM< C, N >Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) optimization using maximal likelihood estimation via the Expection-Maximization (EM) algorithm
mds::img::CWeightedFCM< C, N >
mds::img::CZeroCrossDetector< I >Zero crossings of the LoG filter
Eigen::NumTraits< mds::math::CComplex< _Real > >
mds::SCheckIdentity< T, U >Checks if template parameters T and U are identical
mds::SCheckIdentity< T, T >Partial specialization
mds::SCompileTimeError< true >Specialization of the sCompileTimeError helper structure
mds::sys::CFileBrowser::SFileAttrFile/Directory attributes
mds::sys::CFileBrowserU::SFileAttrFile/Directory attributes
mds::math::SFundamentalTypeHelper structure used to create vector from fundamental types
mds::mod::CSignal< R, P1, P2, P3, P4 >::SHandlerInfoHelper structure containing info about signal handler
mds::img::CBlobLabeling< T >::SInitLabelFunction object used to initialize the mapping
mds::SInt2Type< Value >Converts integer value to type
mds::SIsConst< T >Primary template of a non-const type
mds::SIsConst< const T >Partial specialization for const types
mds::SIsConversion< T, U >Checks convertibility of T type to U type
mds::SIsDerived< T, U >Checks if T class is derived from U class
mds::img::SIsFilterable< T >Primary template
mds::img::SIsFilterable< tDensityPixel >
mds::img::SIsFilterable< tFloatPixel >
mds::img::SIsFilterable< tPixel16 >
mds::img::SIsFilterable< tPixel32 >
mds::img::SIsFilterable< tPixel8 >
mds::SIsFloat< T >Primary template
mds::SIsFloat< double >
mds::SIsFloat< float >
mds::SIsFloat< long double >
mds::SIsIntType< T, i >Checks if a given type is integer and compares the value
mds::SIsIntType< SInt2Type< i >, i >Partial specialization!
mds::SIsMemberPointer< T >Primary template of a non-pointer to member type
mds::SIsMemberPointer< T U::* >Partial specialization for pointers to member
mds::SIsOtherInt< T >Primary template
mds::SIsOtherInt< bool >
mds::SIsOtherInt< wchar_t >
mds::SIsOtherStd< T >Primary template
mds::SIsOtherStd< void >
mds::SIsPointer< T >Primary template of a non-pointer type
mds::SIsPointer< T * >Partial specialization for pointers
mds::SIsReference< T >Primary template of a non-reference type
mds::SIsReference< T & >Partial specialization for references
mds::SIsSignedInt< T >Primary template
mds::SIsSignedInt< char >
mds::SIsSignedInt< signed char >
mds::SIsSignedInt< signed int >
mds::SIsSignedInt< signed long >
mds::SIsSignedInt< signed long long >
mds::SIsSignedInt< signed short >
mds::SIsUnsignedInt< T >Primary template
mds::SIsUnsignedInt< unsigned char >
mds::SIsUnsignedInt< unsigned int >
mds::SIsUnsignedInt< unsigned long >
mds::SIsUnsignedInt< unsigned long long >
mds::SIsUnsignedInt< unsigned short >
mds::img::CBlobLabeling< T >::SLabelInfoInformation about a blob label
mds::math::SMakeVector< T >Helper structure used to create vector from fundamental types
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< Type, Mapping >Primary template
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< LBP12, Plain >
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< LBP12, RotMin >
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< LBP12, Uniform >
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< LBP12, UniformRotMin >
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< LBP16, Plain >
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< LBP16, RotMin >
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< LBP16, Uniform >
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< LBP16, UniformRotMin >
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< LBP8, Plain >
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< LBP8, RotMin >
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< LBP8, Uniform >
mds::lbp::SMappingSize< LBP8, UniformRotMin >
mds::SNotIntType< T, i >Checks if a given type is not integer
mds::img::CvImageRef< T >::SRefInfoStructure containing number of references to the image
mds::base::CSHMData< T >::SRefInfoStructure containing information on allocated data and the number of references to this data
mds::base::CPartedData< T >::SRefInfoStructure containing information on allocated data and the number of references
mds::base::CRefData< T >::SRefInfoStructure containing information on allocated data and the number of references to this data
mds::img::CAdjacencyGraph< T >::SRegionInfoClass representing one row of the Region Adjacency Graph (RAG)
mds::SSelect< Flag, T, U >Selects one of two types based upon a boolean constant
mds::SSelect< false, T, U >Partial specialization for false 'Flag'
mds::SSelectInt< Flag, T, U >Selects one of two integers based upon a boolean constant
mds::SSelectInt< false, T, U >Partial specialization for false 'Flag'
mds::math::SVectorTypeHelper structure used to create vector from fundamental types
mds::SIsConversion< T, U >::tBig
mds::tNullUsed as a placeholder for "no type here"
mds::sys::tStringConvClass providing functions to convert between various string encodings