VectorEntity  1.1.0
Medical Data Segmentation Toolkit
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
vctl::MCCoordinate3D< T >Class encapsulating coordinates in 3D space
vctl::MCEdgeEdge of a polygonal mesh
vctl::MCEdgeSA container of edges in 3D space
vctl::MCEntitieS< ENTITY_TYPE >Container of entities derived from MCEntity
vctl::MCEntity< ENTITY_TYPE >Base class for all vector entities like edges, etc
vctl::MCList< NODE_TYPE >A simple container of objects derived from MCListNode implemented as a doubly-linked list
vctl::MCListNode< NODE_TYPE >An element of a double-linked list
vctl::MCPlanePlane defined by its equation coefficients
vctl::MCPoint3DClass encapsulates a point in 3D space
vctl::MCQueue< KEY_TYPE, VALUE_TYPE >Sorting queue of entities
vctl::MCSphereAnalytical description of a sphere (circumsphere of a tetrahedron, triangle, or edge)
vctl::MCTetraClass representing a tetrahedron
vctl::MCTetraSContainer of tetrahedra (tetrahedra mesh)
vctl::MCTransformMatrixClass encapsulates basic linear affine transformations in 3D space
vctl::MCTriTriangle in 3D space, component of a polygonal mesh
vctl::MCTriSContainer of triangles (polygonal mesh)
vctl::MCVector3DClass encapsulates a vector in 3D space as well as some basic arithmetic
vctl::MCVertexA vertex representation used by polygonal meshes
vctl::MCVerticeSContainer of vertices in 3D space