MDSTk Libraries  1.1.0
Medical Data Segmentation Toolkit
WatershedTransform Namespace Reference


const mds::img::tPixel32 MASK = mds::img::tPixel32(1)
 Pixel value used to mark pixels at the current intensity level.
const mds::img::tPixel32 MAX_LABEL = mds::CTypeTraits<mds::img::tPixel32>::getMax()
 Maximal allowed region index.
const mds::img::tPixel32 MIN_LABEL = mds::img::tPixel32(3)
 First allowed region index.
const mds::img::tPixel32 WSHED = mds::img::tPixel32(2)
 Pixel value used to mark watersheds (boundaries between two catchment basins).

Variable Documentation

Pixel value used to mark pixels at the current intensity level.

Maximal allowed region index.

First allowed region index.

Pixel value used to mark watersheds (boundaries between two catchment basins).